Healing is a Journey…

And It’s Worth the TRAVEL

I have a calling and purpose to use my story to aid others to walk in freedom from the shackles of shame of their past. I have done the work, traveled the road and am experiencing a life of healing, wholeness, freedom and purpose. I have a powerful story to share that will encourage other women to be real with themselves and uncover the past pains to move forward to God’s gains!!!

He’s waiting for you!!!

Speaking Requests

Thank you for your interest in having Tonya speak at your next event, conference, or on your podcast. She is always excited to share what God has done for her and can do for others.

HealingHer Coaching Program

HealingHer coaching program is designed to work closely with you to uncover, acknowledge, address and destroy the guilt and shame associated with your past choices thereby allowing you to discover your true B.E.A.U.T.Y. The work done in this program is based upon my signature U.N.M.A.S.K. method that was created from a well-developed system that has proven to help clients find forgiveness and begin the journey to self-discovery and healing.

