There is

Beauty Beyond the Ashes

of Your Past!!!

David Richo

“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

Tonya B. Jones

“Don’t be so uncomfortable with the darkness of your past that you are too fearful to walk into the light of your future.”

There is Freedom in Healing

Freedom is often only a fleeting thought or a metaphor that most cannot imagine to be their reality. I am here to tell you differently. Freedom is available and is what God has for us. Galatians 5:1 tell us that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Are you ready to be released from the yoke of slavery that is standing in the way of your freedom? Are you ready to be released from the guilt, regret and shackles of shame? Is it time for you to be released from your past and walk into your future? Are you ready to begin to live in freedom through self-forgiveness and healing?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time for you to begin your journey to a life of fulfillment and FREEDOM!


The Future “You” Awaits

It was a tenuous road to travel to get to the life I now live. My truth was buried under 32 years of life, a multitude of bad decisions, and a mask that perfectly hid all that was “me” so the world would never see. But it was only the truth that would allow me to be free.

I lived trapped and didn’t even know it. I thought life was good. Until, that is, God called me to do the unthinkable, to share the undesirable, to resurrect that one bad decision that caused an avalanche of many more.

God called me to use my story of abortion to change lives of those He would put before me to serve. But before I could change the lives of others, I had to first change my own.

I am beyond thrilled that I said “yes” and decided to step on the path of exploration and self-forgiveness and journey into my healing space. My life is not the same.

More importantly, I am not the same!